Filmstorm Character Creator
The Filmstorm Character Creator is a fully automated Character Creator which sets up your player in a matter of clicks. Created with C#, Simply import our package, select the game type you want to make (currently Third Person System or First Person System), drag your models into the right slots and voila! It's done.
The package has over 2,000 lines of code to help make your life as a developer as easy as possible. With great documentation and updates that will be released as quickly as possible from feedback.
The package comes with 50+ professional animations that are already setup with beautiful blends and transitions. Support for automatic Controller and Keyboard / Mouse detection.
Full Source Code is provided in this asset to allow you to customise it as you want. With this being the initial release we are open to suggestions on how to improve the product.
Videos & Web Demos
How to Setup Asset:
Preview Third Person Gameplay:
Preview First Person Gameplay:
Test the Third Person System v1.0 -
Test the First Person System v1.0 -